Calcium Silicate Ceiling
Calcium Silicate Ceiling
Calcium Silicate Ceiling Tile are also known as asbestos free insulating material because it has been reinforced with an inorganic fiber designed to provide an excellent thermal & heat resistance, fire & sound insulation for a wide range of various decoration requirements. The main component used for manufacturing of Calcium Silicate Ceiling Tile is calcium silicate. Hydrated calcium silicate is added with reinforcing natural fillers and cementing material and moulded to form tiles. These tiles are then dried, trimmed, punched and fissured (if required) and then prime coated on both sides to the required surface finish. Tiles are then painted with solvent free paint.
Features of Calcium Silicate Ceiling Tile:
• Free from formaldehyde and other harmful materials. Does not contain any toxic ingredients. It is environment friendly and also categorized as green building product by Green Building Council.
• Calcium silicate has better thermal insulation and fire resistant properties which helps in reducing thermal losses and provide fire protection.
• It has superior light reflection which reduces lighting requirement and enhance interiors.
• Calcium silicate tiles are not affected by moisture, water and extreme of temperatures. Therefore these tiles do not soften and sag even in high humidity environments. False ceilings using Calcium silicate tiles do not lose physical integrity even in case of condensation from air conditioning ducts or in case of any leakage of water from the main ceiling above the suspended ceiling and can be safely used even in industrial and semi exposed locations.
• Calcium silicate is a sound absorbing material that neither transmits nor augments sound. It has good noise co-efficient reduction and therefore can be used at auditoriums & libraries.
• Calcium Silicate Ceiling tiles are easy to clean and maintenance. The appearance of the surface can be renewed by surface painting.
• This is made of inorganic matter having non hazardous ingredient safe for human health.
• Calcium Silicate Ceiling tiles have higher flexural strength as a result of their composition and manufacturing process. This minimizes damage in handling, transport, storage and installation of the tiles, besides improved service life.
• These tiles are made from inorganic materials and are immune to termite attack.
• These tiles are light weight in comparison to standard Gypsum ceiling tiles.
• It can be used at hospitals, office building, auditoriums etc.